
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Cream Soup Austrian Style and Heart Locked Award


October is pumpkin season. I think everybody is familiar with pumpkin cream soup. I bet each of you have favorite recipe for that. Since I live in Austria, I'd like to introduce you the austrian style of pumpkin cream soup.

Austria is a small country in the middle of west europe and has nine states.One of it's state is Steiermark (in english Styria), locates in south of Austria. Styria is very famous with it's styrian pumpkin seed oil and stryrian roasted pumpkin seed.
And those two products make the special taste of this pumpkin cream soup.

500 g pumpkin (for example Hokkaido)
1 onion, cut finely
2-3 cloves of garlic, cut finely
butter or oil
600 ml chicken or vegetable broth
150 ml cream/sour cream (optional)
freshly ground black pepper
salt, nutmeg and ginger 
styrian pumpkin oil and seed for garnish


pumpkin cream soup austrian style

Cut pumpkin in small cubes. Preheat the butter or oil in a stock pot. Chopped onion and garlic lightly sauté in that oil. Add pumpkin, shortly stir-fry together with onion and garlic. Put the broth, taste with salt, pepper, nutweg and ginger. Cook with low heat until the pumpkin soft. Add the cream, stir well. Blend the soup.   Garnish the soup with a few drops of pumpkin oil and some roasted pumpkin seed. Enjoy it with your favorite bread.

pumpkin cream soup austrian style

In this occasion I'd like to thank Tika Hapsari Nilmada of Cemplang Cemplung for giving me this Heart Locket Award. And now I have to find 7 wonderful blogs to pass this award to them. If you receive this award, please read the rules carefully:
  1. If you get this award, pass it on to other 7 blogs
  2. Put in the award picture in your post
  3. Don't pass the award back to the award giver
  4. Answer the questions below and post them in your blog:
1. What make you feel great about yourself?
2. Who inspires you most?

My answers:
1. I feel great about myself because I have a good heart, my friends say also that I'm a good listener. I would be thankful if someone reminds me, that I've made a mistake, will prompt beg of pardon and try not to make the same mistake again.
2. Living abroad is not easy sometimes.  My best friends Loana and Lily in my adopted hometown Salzburg are a great help. I thank them for their friendship.

And the Award goes to:
  1. Susy Barat at Food et Photography
  2. Sefa Firdaus at Negeri Dongeng
  3. Dwiana Porter at dwidlebug
  4. Susan at the well-seasoned-cook
  5. Asrie at Food and Story
  6. Elsye Suryanto at Sarang Japati
  7. Ike Hermawan at Pawonike

Heart Locked Blog Award